3 Ways You Are Underutilizing LinkedIn
For any job seeker, not utilizing the major benefits and features offered by LinkedIn would be doing a disservice to themselves. Here are three ways you might be underutilizing this amazing platform.
Are You Certain That
Written Strategically?
Strategic résumés are crafted to market a candidate’s skills and accomplishments in the most eye-catching and efficient way
Are you confident that your résumé is written strategically, is ATS-optimized, and looks significantly better and more polished than your competitors’ résumés?
A strategically written résumé stands out from the rest in its content, phrasing, structure, approach, and format.
An ATS-optimized résumé is written with several job-specific keywords thoughtfully placed all over the résumé to help it rank higher in the automated screening system.
At the end of the day, a successful résumé needs to impress the hiring manager with its innovative, eye-catching, and stylish presentation, and must place you ahead of your competitors by helping you stand out from the crowd.
Are you sure that your current résumé is doing all the above?
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For any job seeker, not utilizing the major benefits and features offered by LinkedIn would be doing a disservice to themselves. Here are three ways you might be underutilizing this amazing platform.
No matter how frequently you post on LinkedIn or how well-written those posts are, if those posts are not catering to the audience you have, you are not going to have the engagement you are hoping to see there. Find out what you need to remember.
At least some stages of almost all interviews are done over the phone. It can be challenging to convey your candidacy over a digital audio only connection. Read more to know about the dos and don’t and avoid mistakes and faux pas.
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